New publication by Alexander Spencer & Judith Renner: Trump, Brexit & Post-Truth

Trump, Brexit & “Post-Truth”: How Post-Structuralist IR Theories can help us understand World Order in the 21st century
In this article Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer and Dr. Judith Renner want to reect on by considering what IR theory has to say about “(post)-truth” as a situation “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less inuential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”. In particular it will focus on post-structuralist approaches to IR for two reasons: rstly, due to the circumstances that post-structuralism/postmodernism, and in particular the French thinkers such as Michael Foucault, Jacques Derrida and Jean Baudrillard on which many of the theoretical assumptions of poststructuralist IR theory are based, have been blamed for the rise of “post-truth” politics by some scholars in the eld. Secondly, if we consider post-structuralism as a theoretical corner in which the J. Renner, A. Spencer role of “truth” or rather truths play an essential role in the theoretical assumptions, it seems plausible to assume that post-structuralism has something to say about “post- truth” world order.
Read the the whole article here: Trump, Brexit & “Post-Truth”: How Post-Structuralist IR Theories can help us understand World Order in the 21st century