
Farewell to Antje Holinski

15.09.2019 -

All the best to Antje Holinski!

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PACS commented course catalogue winter 2018/19

10.09.2018 -

PACS commented course catalogue winter 2018/2019

Do you want to get to know our current PACS classes for winter semester 2018-2019? Check out our new course catalogue here or in relevant documents. 

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New Publication: Cinematic hidden peace representations as a barrier to social development?

15.05.2018 -

In her recent contribution to IReflect – Student Journal of International Relations, PACS student Renata Malkes starts from the assumption that peace representations in cinema present international politics with ...

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Ideal PACS course of study

03.10.2017 -

Goodby Antje Holinski!

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Last Modification: 26.03.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster