
New Article: "(Un)Funny Against All Odds: The Changing Landscape of Humour in Politics"

07.11.2024 -


New Article - Oct 24 - Spencer

Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer and Daniel Beck has just published their latest research article in Sage Journal: Alternatives: Global, Local, Political.



In this paper they provid an overview of some of the key concepts, theories and approaches to humour




Abstract of the Paper

The article wants to set the stage for the rest of the special issue titled ‘From resistance to legitimation: The changing role of humour in politics’ by providing an overview of some the key concepts, theories and approaches to humour. It begins by considering different concepts of and some of the theoretical approaches to the functions and implications of humour including relief, superiority and incongruity as well as carnival theory and the role of parody. From these ideas, it outlines several functions of using humour in politics which include the raising of public attention and distraction, provocation and isolation from critique, humour as a means of persuasion and anxiety management as well as the use of humour as a means of stabilizing and de-stabilizing hierarchies. Turning to the main contribution of the special issue it outlines the changing relationship of humour in politics from a means of critique of power to a means of legitimation of power. It places the contribution of the special issue in this debate and holds that humour plays an ambiguous role and calls for further research into the dark and unfunny side of humour in politics.


Get access to the paper from here

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Commented Lecture Directory - Winter Term 2024/2025

14.10.2024 -

In the link you will find the commented lecture directory for the Winter term 2024 / 2025

You can simply click on the name of the class and it will automatically lead you to the respective page in LSF. Nevertheless, please check LSF yourself as information might be updated. This document is just a guideline to give a a bit of an overview. 

If you find any discrepancies or have any questions please send an email to  

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Welcome Days

07.10.2024 -


Welcome to PACS at OVGU!

We're excited to have you join our vibrant and diverse community. To help you settle in and get the most out of your experience, we've prepared an introduction program that will guide you through everything you need to know—from campus life and academic resources to student activities and support services. It's a great opportunity to meet fellow students, get familiar with your surroundings, and feel confident about your new start.

You can find more information in the attached posters and booklet 

We're looking forward to seeing you thrive and make the most of your time here. Welcome aboard!


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Travel anywhere in Germany using your student card

25.09.2024 -


Dear Students,

The Deutschlandsemesterticket can be activated and downloaded in the app "easy.GO". You can use it from October 1, 2024 in combination with an official photo ID on the public transport. Here you can find the instructions for activating the ticket.

Please make sure that you have the latest version of the "easy.GO" app on your smartphone (iOS: version 5.3.0, Android: 5.3.1). If you have already downloaded the app before today, you have to update it first in order to activate the Deutschlandsemesterticket.

For further information, please visit


Kind regards

Your Student's Office"

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Last Modification: 30.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster