
AUKA-PACS Talks / WISE 2023/2024 / Lecture and Workshop on the Intersections of Gender and Violence in Kygyzstan

13.12.2023 -

Lecture and Workshop on the Intersections of Gender and Violence in Kygyzstan

The lecture provides an overview on the current state of gender
inequality in Kyrgyzstan. The workshop aims to facilitate a more
in-depth conversation about potential strategies for addressing and
preventing gender-based violence in the area, as well as providing an
opportunity to discuss other questions which arise from the lecture.

TRIGGER WARNING: Both lecture and workshop will discuss sentitive topics such as gender-based and sexual violence, including shorter video sequences (five minutes in the lecture) that are potentially triggering for some individuals.

Wednesday, 13.12.2023, 15-17:00, Room: G40B-326

Guest Lecture "Current Status of Gender Inequality in Kyrgyzstan",
Galina Gorborukova, American University of Central Asia (AUCA), Bishkek,

Thursday, 14.12.2023, 15-17:00, Room: tba.

Workshop "Understanding gender-based violence in Kyrgyzstan: finding
solutions and prevention", Makhinur Mamatova, American University of
Central Asia (AUCA), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

The events are open to everyone and do not need pre-registration.

You can prepare both events based on Elena Kim (2020) Re-feminizing the
post-soviet women: identity, politics and virginity ceremonies in
contemporary Kyrgyzstan, Journal of Gender Studies, 29:6, 706-716
(attached). To link to this article:

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New amendment on the examination and study regulations for PACS programme

20.11.2023 -

We would like to inform you that some minor changes took place as follows:


  • Admission to PACS and the motivation letter requirements
  • Enrolment for new students is now possible in winter and summer semester
  • Introducing the requirements of the practical experience (previously named internship) as part of completing the study programme: internships, volunteer work, and language course as options to complete this compulsery module
  • Thesis preparation and submission
  • Renaming some modules


To see more in details you are welcomed to visit the amendment (only in German for now)

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AUKA-PACS Talks / SOSE 2023 / Kyrgyz-Tajik Border Dispute

07.06.2023 -
We invite you to the AUCA-PACS Talks, Summer Semester 2023.


After the fall of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan became independent states and maintained the borders established under Stalin's rule in the 1920s. This led to significant political and socio-economic changes for both countries. However, during the process of border delineation, issues arose due to the symbolic nature of the borders drawn during Soviet times. Under the Soviet system, Kyrgyz and Tajik communities had shared access to natural resources based on state-backed property rights. The lack of clarity in the border lines after 1991 has since then resulted in interethnic tensions, violent outbreaks, and ongoing disputes between the two countries over access to resources such as water for irrigation and pasture land.

Guest lecturers from the American University of Central Asia will give a lecture and a workshop. The lecture will provide an overview on the conflict with a particular focus on its impact on the Kyrgyz society. The workshop serves to engage in a deeper discussion on possible ways for conflict resolution in the area and gives space to discuss other questions which arise from the lecture.


Register for the Workshop:

Please register for the workshop by sending an email to until 9th June, Friday.

You can prepare both events based on Kurmanalieva, Gulzana (2018): Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: Endless Border Conflicts, Dans L'Europe en Formation (n° 385), 121-130.

AUCA-PACS Talks_Poster

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IOCM Summer School 2023 - FSU Jena

26.05.2023 -

Planning for Peace – Understanding Multidimensionality and Integration in UN Peace Operations

July 7-9th and July 17-18th | FSU Jena


This summer again students of PACS Magdeburg may attend a summer school at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena.

This year's topic is "Planning for Peace - Understanding Multidimensionality and Integration in UN Peace Operations".


July 7-9th and July 17-18th.

For more information

Click on the Flyer IOCM Summer School 2023 for more information.


If you are interested, please send an email with your CV and transcript of records to Professor Spencer () until May 26th, 2023.


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