Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


PD Dr. rer. pol. habil. Kristina Roepstorff, Akal, A. B., & Lidén, K. (2025).

Tacit engagement in humanitarian action: making sense of silence and secrecy in humanitarian negotiations. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 10(1).


Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer, Gabriela Pancheva, Amri Azis Ardhelas & Andrea Torresagaton Gil

“Russian Warship, Go fuck yourself”. Romantic Narratives of the Hero and the call for support in the War in Ukraine, British Journal of Politics and International Relations (2025) 


Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer, Mariam Ochkhikidze & Jan Günter Wessel

No Relief from War: The Use of Humour in Memes by the Government of Ukraine and the limitation of laughter, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2025)



Daniel Beck and Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer

Beck, D., & Spencer, A. (2024). (Un)Funny Against All Odds: The Changing Landscape of Humour in Politics. Alternatives, 0(0).


Lena Merkle (M.A.)

Redefining a global Cosmopolitanism: An attempt towards openness as a central concept in postcolonial conflict resolution. Zeitschrift Für Friedens- Und Konfliktforschung.


Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer

Laughing at Failure or Failing to Laugh: Humour as a Strategy for Dealing With Foreign Policy Failure, in: Sage JournalAlternatives: Global, Local, Political



Daniel Beck (M.A.)

Humorous Parodies of Popular Culture as Strategy in Boris Johnson´s Populist Communication, in: The British Journal of Politics and International Relations [2023, online first].

‘Our Sofa was the Front’- Ontological Insecurity and the German Government’s Humourous Heroification of Couch Potatoes During COVID-19, in: German Politics [online first 2022]


Lena Merkle (M.A.)

Epistemological Anarchism against Epistemic Violence? A Rereading of Paul Feyerabend towards the Decolonisation of Academic Knowledge Production. In: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik. 39 (1-2). 122-138. (


Morgane Desoutter (M.A.)

 ‘White Women Filming Kurdish Women: The Instrumentalisation of the Kurdish Armed Struggle’. Global Society, June, 1 19.



Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer, Laura Rehbein, Daniel Beck, Morgane Desoutter, Tina Rosner-Merker

Kurdish Narratives of Conflict: The Politics of the Kurdish Question in Turkish Cinema, Journal of War & Cultural Studies (2021)  - (



Daniel Beck & Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer

Beck, Daniel & Spencer, Alexander (2020), Just a bit of fun: the camouflaging and defending functions of humour in recruitment videos of the British and Swedish armed forces, in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs ( 


Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer & Dr. Kristina Roepstorff

Engelkamp, Stephan; Roepstorff, Kristina & Spencer, Alexander (2020), Moving Images: Visual Metaphors of Peace in the Movie Mango Dreams, in: Peace & Change ( 

Engelkamp, Stephan; Roepstorff, Kristina & Spencer, Alexander (2020), Visualizing Peace - The State of the Art, in: Peace & Change ( 

Narrative Genres of Brexit: The Leave Campaign and the Success of Romance, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 27, No. 5 (2020), 666-684 [mit Kai Oppermann].



Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer

Spencer, Alexander & Oppermann, Kai (2019), Narrative genres of Brexit: the Leave campaign and the success of romance, in: Journal of European Public Policy (

Narratives and the Romantic Genre in IR: Dominant and Marginalized Stories of Arab Rebellion in Libya, in: International Politics, Vol. 56, No. 1 (2019), 123-140.

Heinkelmann-Wild, Tim; Beck, Daniel & Spencer, Alexander (2019): Heroes welcome: an exceptional story of ‘good’ refugees in the German tabloid discourse, in: Journal of Multicultural Discourses (

Once Upon a Time: Western Genres and Narrative Constructions of a Romantic Jihad, in: Journal of Language and Politics, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2019), 21-39 [mit Hanna Pfeifer]


Nina Marie Rösler (B.A.) 

Rösler, Nina Marie (2019), Analysis of the Reluctance of Male Victims of WSV to Seek Help, in: E-International Relations Students ( 


Dr. Kristina Roepstorff

Roepstorff, Kristina (2019), A call for critical reflection on the localisation agenda in humanitarian action, Third World Quarterly (


Dr. Kristina Roepstorff

Tripathi, Siddharth & Roepstorff, Kristina (2019), Decentering Peace and Conflict Studies:Conceptualisations of Peace in India, in: Friedens und Konfliktforsch (





Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer

Narrating success and failure: Congressional debates on the ‘Iran nuclear deal’, in: European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 24, No. 2 (2018), 268-292 [mit Kai Oppermann].



Dr. Jasmin Lorch

Lorch, Jasmin (2017), Civil society support for military coups: Bangladesh and the Philippines, in: Journal of Civil Society, online first, 1-18



Dr. Jasmin Lorch

Lorch, Jasmin (2017), Civil society support for military coups: Bangladesh and the Philippines, in: Journal of Civil Society, online first, 1-18



PD Dr. Alexander Spencer

Romantic stories of the pirate in IARRRH: The failure of linking piracy and terrorism narratives in Germany, in: International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 15, No. 3 (2014), 297-312.



PD Dr. Alexander Spencer

Contested Stories of Commercial Security: Self and Media Narratives of Private Military Companies, in: Critical Studies on Security, Vol. 1, No. 3 (2013), 326-346 [together with Andreas Kruck].

De-Antagonising the Other: Changing Constructions of the Taliban and the Possibility of Reconciliation, in: Global Society, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2013), 475-496 [together with Judith Renner].

Dr. Kristina Roepstorff

Insider Mediation in Peace Processes: an untapped resource?, S+F, Sicherheit und Frieden (2013) [together with Anna Bernhard].

Mario Clemens

Sarhan Dhouib (Hrsg.): Kultur Identität und Menschenrechte. Transkulturelle Perspektiven, in: Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte (zfmr).



Prof. Dr. Heiko Schrader

Wie überleben Haushalte in Kasachstan und Kirgistan? Eine vergleichende empirische Analyse. Zentralasien-Analysen 59/2: 2-9 (with E. Dittrich)


PD Dr. Alexander Spencer

The Social Construction of Terrorism: Media, Metaphors and Policy Implications, in: Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3 (2012), 393-419 (SSCI Impact factor: 0,561).

Reconciliation with Al Qaeda?, in: Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Vol. 24, No. 2 (2012), 202-209 [mit Judith Renner; wiederabgedruckt in Roger Mac Ginty (Hrsg.) Peacebuilding, London: Sage, (2014)].



PD Dr. Alexander Spencer

Sic[k] of the New Terrorism Debate? A Response to our Critics, in: Critical Studies on Terrorism, Vol. 3, No. 3 (2011), 459-467.

Bild dir Deine Meinung. Die metaphorische Konstruktion des Terrorismus in den Medien, in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2011), 47-76.


(Un)Funny Against All Odds: The Changing Landscape of Humour in Politics


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