New publication by Kristina Roepstorff

A Chance for Peace? The Humanitarian System's Localisation Agenda and the Humanitarian-Peacebuilding Nexus.
- Kristina Roepstorff
Calls for a greater inclusion of local actors into humanitarian action are far from new, but have gained momentum in the wake of the World Humanitarian Summit 2016. However, the inclusion of local actors raises a range of questions, both conceptually and regarding its implementation. This is particularly the case in the interplay of humanitarian action and peacebuilding. This paper seeks to contribute to the debate on the humanitarian system’s localisation agenda within the context of the humanitarian-peacebuilding nexus. It argues that further research should be guided by a critical localism (Mac Ginty 2015) that overcomes a simple binary opposition of the local and the international and looks at power asymmetries in the humanitarian system.