
New Publication: “Imagining Peace Outside of Liberal Statebuilding: Anarchist Theory as Pathway to Emancipatory Peacefacilitation”

23.02.2022 -
Looking for alternatives to the liberal paradigm prevailing in current peacebuilding? Then the recently published article “Imagining Peace Outside of Liberal Statebuilding: Anarchist Theory as Pathway to Emancipatory Peacefacilitation” by Jonas Rusche, PACS graduate and team member, will be of interest to you!

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'The Taliban are back in Control: What Next for Afghan Students?' AUCA-PACS Talk

12.01.2022 -

Roundtable and Q&A

with Waris Ahmad Faizi and Parwin Faizi, Aizura Batyralieva and Dr. Galina Gorborukova (American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

On : Wednesday, 19 January 2022, 12:30-2:30 pm (UTC+1) via Zoom.

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Heiko Schrader, Dr. Valerie Waldow (Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany)

In case you want to join the talk, send an Email to  to receive the Zoom link and code.

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New Article: “Kurdish Narratives of Conflict: the Politics of the Kurdish Question in Turkish Cinema”

09.12.2021 -

Jointly with Laura Rehbein, some of our PACS team members (namely Morgane Desoutter, Tina Rosner-Merker, Daniel Beck and Alexander Spencer) have published an article on the “Kurdish Narratives of Conflict: the Politics of the Kurdish Question in Turkish Cinema”.

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AFK Conference Report 2021

25.05.2021 -

The conference report of the AFK conference, that took place from March 17, 18 and 19, 2021, is online now! 

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