
Excursion to Berlin

20.01.2020 -

On 17 January 2020 a small group of students travelled to Berlin with their lecturer Amer Katbeh as part of the seminar "Protracted Social Conflicts in the MENA region".

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Humanitarian Reflections - 04.02.2020

18.01.2020 -

Das Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht (IFHV) und der Universität Siegen laden zu folgender Veranstaltung ein: Humanitarian Reflections - Humanitäre Grundsatzfragen aus Sicht von Wissenschaft und Praxis.

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Landeslehrpreis 2019

04.12.2019 -

Julia Gurol and Ingo Henneberg from the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, as well as Alexander Kobusch, Dr. Thomas Nielebock, Natalie Pawlowski, Dr. Gabi Schlag from the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen, received a price for an inter-university ring seminars on peace and conflict research.

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Guest lecturer from Kyrgyzstan

19.11.2019 -

We are very happy to announce two very interesting presentations and a Q&A by researchers from the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek / Kyrgyzstan.

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Last Modification: 30.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster