Kristina Roepstorff

Lecturer; PACS Study Programme Advisor

PD Dr. rer. pol. habil. Kristina Roepstorff

Faculty of Humanities, Social Science & Education
Institute II Political Science
Zschokkestr. 32, 39104 Magdeburg, G40-306

Education and Training

  • 2023: Habilitation in political science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, cumulative habilitation “Encounters of the Local and the International in the Governance of Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Action”
  • 2018: Humanitarian Mediation Training, NOHA, Brussels
  • 2015: Certificate Instructional Skills Online, Royal Roads University, Canada
  • 2012-2014: Vocational training as Intercultural Mediator, Interculture, Berlin
  • 2004-2009: PhD (Dr.rer.pol), Institute of Intercultural and International Studies, Bremen University 
  • 2003-2004: MA International and Comparative Legal Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London 
  • 1997- 2003: M.A. in Philosophy, Sociocultural Anthropology and Comparative Religious Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  • 1985-1997: European Baccalaureate, European School Munich: focus on languages

Work Experience and other Activities

  • Since 05/2024: Scientific Associate, Chair of International Relations, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
  • Since 01/2022: Senior Researcher und Deputy Research Lead, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
  • Since 08/2021: Member of the editorial board, World Food, Welthungerhilfe specialist journal.
  • Since 04/2021: Senior Researcher, Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV), Ruhr University Bochum
  • Since 09/2019: Research Fellow, Center for Humanitarian Action, Berlin: Research and advice for politics and humanitarian aid organizationsn
  • Since 05/2015: Associate Faculty, School of Humanitarian Studies, Royal Roads University, Canada
  • Since 09/2013: Freelance work as a mediator, trainer and consultant: political advice; Training in cultural and conflict sensitivity for NGOs and companies; International mediator in Nepal with the Center for Integrative Mediation (CSSP): mediation training and mediation interventions with local peace committees.
  • Since 2008: Lecturer in the NOHA master's program "International Humanitarian Action" at University College Dublin and at the Ruhr University Bochum (since 2016)
  • 04/2021-12/2022: Research assistant, Institute for Peacekeeping Law and International Humanitarian Law (IFHV) at the Ruhr University Bochum
  • 11/2017 - 03/2020: Speaker of the Working Group “Curriculum and Didactics” of the German Association of Peace and Conflict Studies
  • 09/2016-02/2017: Representation of the W1 Professorship of Mediality and Intermediality in Asian and African Societies, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin
  • 09/2015–05/2020: Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies, Department of Political Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
  • 04/2014–04/2015: Visiting Professor, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin
  • 11/2012–07/2013: Visiting Fellow, Research Division Asia, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, (SWP), Berlin
  • 09/2011–09/2012: Government of Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of International Studies, Simon Fraser University, Canada 
  • 08/2009–08/2011: Assistant Professor, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at Erfurt University
  • 04/2007–03/2008: Marie Curie Fellow in Humanitarian Action and Conflict Studies, University College Dublin 
  • 09/2006-01/2007: South Asia Human Rights Documentation Center, India (New Delhi): Research and documentation of human rights violations in Kashmir and evaluation of the National Commission on the Rights of Women; Writing a textbook chapter on human rights
  • 09/2004-05/2009: FIAN Deutschland e.V. (International human rights organization for the right to food): Board member, treasurer and international delegate (2005-2009); Fact-Finding Mission and Field Visits, India (2006); Campaign and public relations work
  • 09/2004-09/2006: South Asia Information Network, Berlin: volunteer editorial board member; editing and writing texts; updating the website; Organization of meetings and workshops.
  • 07/2004-09/2004: Human Rights Center, University of Potsdam: research and documentation; Creation of the bibliography for the research project “Social Human Rights and Social Justice”.
  • 02/2002-03/2002: Gandhi Peace Foundation, India (New Delhi and Orissa): Project support in the areas of rural development and education
Research focus
  • International relations and International Studies
  • Practices of Humanitarian Action
  • Peacebuilding
  • Forced Displacement and Migration
  • Decolonial and Postcolonial Theory
  • Qualitative and Participatory Research Methods

Monographs and Editorships

  • forthcoming 2024: Introduction to Humanitarian Action, interactive e-book, edited with Katrin Radtke
  • forthcoming 2025: Local Humanitarian Action and Forced Migration: contested spaces of international aid, Routledge
  • 2014: The Politics of Self-Determination: beyond the decolonisation process, London: Routledge (2014)

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • 2025: Tacit engagement in humanitarian action: making sense of silence and secrecy in humanitarian negotiations, Journal of International Humanitarian Action
  • In progress: Special Collection, Agenda for Humanity Revisited, mit Clara Egger, Kristoffer Lidén (eds.), Journal of International Humanitarian Action
  • Under review: „Tacit Engagement as Humanitarian Practice“, mit Kristoffer Lidén und Ayse Akal
  • forthcoming 2024: “Decolonising Humanitarian Action”, with Sulagna Maitra, in: Roepstorff, Kristina and Radtke, Katrin (eds.), Introduction to International Humanitarian Action, London: Routledge
  • 2023: “Mopping up, keeping down, and propping up: Ethical dilemmas in humanitarian negotiations with authoritarian regimes”, in: Cunningham, Andrew J., ed. Authoritarian Practices and Humanitarian Negotiations. London: Routledge (2023)
  • 2022: Localization and the Politics of Humanitarian Action, Special Issue, Frontiers in Political Science, with Kilian Spandler and Sulagna Maitra
  • 2022: “Localisation”, in: Matthew Clarke (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Development
  • 2021: Localisation requires Trust: An Interface Perspective on the Rohingya Response in Bangladesh", Disasters 
  • 2020: “Visualising Peace – the Stare of the Art”, Peace & Change, 45(1), with Stephan Engelkamp and Alexander Spencer 
  • 2020: “Moving images: visual metaphors of peace in the Movie Mango Dreams”, Peace & Change, 45(1), with Stephan Engelkamp and Alexander Spencer 
  • 2020: “Decentering Peace and Conflict Studies: Conceptualisations of Peace in India”, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 9(1): 1-21, mit Siddharth Tripathi (2020). 
  • 2019: “As Local as Possible, as International as Necessary? A Critical Assessment of the Localisation Agenda in Humanitarian Action”, Third World Quarterly, 41(2)
  • 2019: “Chance für den Frieden? Die Lokalisierungsagenda im Humanitären System im Nexus von Humanitärer Hilfe und Friedensförderung”, Die Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization
  • 2017: “Armed Conflicts and Humanitarian Crises: Insights from the Anthropology of War”, in: Heintze, Hans-Joachim and Thielbörger, Pierre (eds.), International Humanitarian Action: NOHA Textbook, Berlin: Springer
  • 2016: “India and the DAC-donors: divergence or convergence principles and practices of humanitarian aid?”, in: Sezgin, Z. und Dijkzeul, D. (eds), The New Humanitarians in International Practice: Emerging actors and contested principles, Abingdon: Routledge
  • 2013: “Insider Mediation in Peace Processes: an untapped resource?“, S+F, Security and Peace, Issue 3, with Anna Bernhard
  • 2011: “Conflict Transformation and the European Experience: A Case Study of Institutional (Re-) Design in Bosnia Herzegovina”, in: Ahmar, Moonis (ed.), Conflict Transformation and the Challenge of Peace, Karachi: Royal Book Company
  • 2011: “Self-Determination as Non-Domination. A shift from government to governance from a normative perspective”, in: Fisch, Jörg (ed.), Die Verteilung der Welt. Selbstbestimmung und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker. The World divided. Self-determination and the Right of Peoples to Self-determination, Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag
  • 2009: “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Question of Justiciability: International Legal Protection of the Right to Food”, in: Hoffmann-Holland, Klaus (ed.), Ethics and Human Rights in a Globalized World, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag
  • 2008: “Confronting the Past, Building the Future: The Role of Post-Conflict Justice in Africa”, in: Hans- Joachim Heintze and Robert C. Hudson (eds.), Different Approaches to Peace and Conflict Research, Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto Press, with Danja Blocher


Policy Papers and Other Publications

  • 2023: Interview, E-International Relations, 4. Mai 2023:
  • 2023: Humanitarian Mediation: Conceptual and Ethical Explorations, NCHS Paper: 12. Bergen: Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies, mit Kristoffer Lidén.
  •  2020: „The ethics of humanitarian negotiations“, Humanitarian Views: the Humanitarian Blog, mit Kristoffer Lidén.
  •  2020: „Red Lines and Grey Zones: Ethical dilemmas in humanitarian negotiations and the need for a research agenda“, PRIO Blog, mit Kristoffer Lidén.
  • 2020: „Same same but different: Reflexion zur Online-Lehre vor und während Corona“, H-Soz-Kult, Forum: Digitales Lehren :
  • 2020: “Localisation and the Shrinking Civic Space: tying up the loose ends”, Berlin: Centre for Humanitarian Action.
  • 2020: “Counterterrorism Measures and Sanction Regimes: Shrinking Space for Humanitarian Aid Organisations”, Berlin: Centre for Humanitarian Action, mit Charlotte Faltas and Sonja Hövelmann.
  • 2019: “Migration and the Shrinking Humanitarian Space in Europe: From maritime search and rescue operations to contested humanitarian action in EU countries”, Berlin: Centre for Humanitarian Action.
  • 2018: “Staatenlos: Der Konflikt in Rakhine und die Humanitäre Notlage der Rohingya”, Blogbeitrag, Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz.
  • 2013: “Myanmar’s Peace Process. The Importance of Federal Reforms and an Inclusive National Dialogue”, SWP Comments 2013/C 29, mit Jasmin Lorch.
  • 2013: „Indien in Aufruhr. Die Braveheart-Debatte und die Folgen für die indische Demokratie“, SWP-Aktuell/18, mit Christian Wagner.
  • 2013: „Demokratieförderung in Myanmar. Indien als Partner für die deutsche und europäische Außenpolitik?“, SWP-Aktuell/4.
  • 2012: Die Assam-Unruhen 2012: Anatomie eines Konflikts, Heinrich Boell Foundation (online).
  • 2007: „Auswahlbibliographie: Wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Menschenrechte“; MenschenRechtsMagazin, 2, pp. 156-172, mit Arnd Pollmann.
  • 2005: Menschenrechte in Indien, Südasien-Informationen Nr. 8, mit Eric Töpfer and Subin Nijhawan (Hg.).

Conferences and Panels

  • 02/2024: Lecture: „Global South to the Rescue?“,  The Power and Politics of Localization research conference, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Februar 2024
  • 11/2023: Lecture: „Deadlocked at sea: How humanitarian Search and rescue operations negotiate to save and disembark migrant lives in the Mediterranean“, mit Maria Jumbert, IHSA Konferenz, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2023
  • 11/2023: Lecture: “Negotiating cultures: local humanitarian negotiators in the Rohingya Response”, with Sulagna Maitra, IHSA Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2023
  • 11/2023: Panel: South-south cooperation as enabler of localization?, IHSA Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2023
  • 11/2023: Panel: “Humanitarian studies in turbulent times: taking stock of the Agenda for Humanity”, with Clara Egger and Kristoffer Lidén, IHSA Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2023
  • 11/2023: Panel: „Cultural and gendered contexts of the ethics of humanitarian negotiations“, mit Kristoffer Lidén, IHSA Konferenz, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2023
  • 09/2021: Presentation (with Kristoffer Lidén): Red Lines and Grey Zones: Exploring the ethics of humanitarian negotiations, International Humanitarian Studies Conference
  • 07/2021: Workshops: “Fundamentals of Peace and Conflict Studies”, as part of the DAAD project “Strengthening Peace Education Capacities (SPEC)”, Georgia, June and July 2021
  • 05/2021: Presentation: Critical localism: reflections on the localisation of humanitarian action in theory and (research) practice, Oxford Refugee Studies Centre
  • 07/2020 & 07/2021: Presentation: “Ethnographic Methods in Peace and Conflict Studies”, University of Magdeburg
  • 01/2020: Input: “Peacebuilding”, Humanitarian Reflections, Centre for Humanitarian Action, Berlin
  • 11/2019: Commentary, Shrinking Humanitarian Space in Europe: The Case of Maritime Search and Rescue, IOM Migration Tools
  • 05/2019: Commentary, Shrinking Humanitarian Space in Europe: The Case of Maritime Search and Rescue, IOM Migration Tools
  • 05/2019: Workshop: “Mediation”, NOHA Spring School of Humanitarian Action, Vilnius
  • 03/2019: Presentation: “As local as possible, as international as necessary“? Localising humanitarian action in the context of the Rohingya Emergency Response in Bangladesh”, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 02/2019: Workshop: “Ethics of Humanitarian Negotiations and Mediation”, PRIO, Oslo
  • 01/2019: Presentation: “From maritime SAR to Safe Harbours: the human rights discourse in the context of maritime migration”, Arbeitsstelle Menschenrechte, University of Magdeburg
  • 11/2018: Presentation: “Conflicts and Forced Migration in South Asia: the case of the Rohingya”, Ghent University
  • 09/2018: Presentation: “As local as possible, as international as necessary: the localisation agenda in humanitarian action”, European International Studies Association Conference, Prague
  • 09/2017: Presentation (with Alexander Spencer and Stephan Engelkamp): “Visualising peace: politics, policy and pedagogy”, European International Studies Association Conference, Barcelona
  • 03/2016: Presentation: “What is the Local? Some Conceptual Considerations”, Panel: Locally-Led Humanitarian Action: The Future, or Folly?, World Conference on Humanitarian Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 12/2014: Presentation: “Local Peace Committees as Infrastructures for Peace: an International Perspective”, Local Peace Committees Exchange Workshop, Bharatpur, Nepal
  • 2012: Presentation: “Convergent or Divergent Narratives? The Securitisation of Internal Displacement among Displaced Persons and Civil Society Actors in Assam”, School for International Studies, SFU Vancouver
  • 2009: Presentation: “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Question of Justiciability: International Legal Protection of the Right to Food”, Ethics and Human Rights in a Globalized World, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • 2009: Lecture: “Self-Determination as Non-Domination: a shift from government to governance from a normative perspective” at Colloquium: Self-Determination and the Right of Self-Determination: Achievement of Modernity or Collective Illusion, Historisches Kolleg München, 2009
  • 2007: Lecture: “The Right of Self-Determination as a Right of Non-Domination”, at Conference: Beyond the Nation?: Critical Reflections on Nations and Nationalism in Uncertain Times, Queen’s University Belfast, Nordirland, 2007
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Last Modification: 29.10.2024 - Contact Person: Kristina Roepstorff